Ohmybow (December, 2015)

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Hello you fluffy human being .。;・+ヾ(♥◕ฺ∀◕ฺ)ノ゚:。・+  

I am really excited about this review because I haven't reviewed bows in a long long time u w u It also brings back so many memories because one of my earliest reviews is a bow review~ This time, I will be reviewing 6 bows that are kindly sponsored by Ohmybows!

 I also have a discount code for you all : daisy10 for a 10% off your bow purchases~

Note : Even though this is a sponsored review, this review is based entirely in my honest opinions.

I had an extremely pleasant time talking to the Ohmybows team and realised that although they are actually really busy people, they reply to emails fairly quick. They always patiently answer my queries regarding their store and their bows //applauses// Because the bows are hand made from a limited stock of fabric, bows can sell out pretty quickly and sometimes that particular kind will not restock~ Make sure you make a decision ASAP and order before its too late!

Anyway, onto the shipping process. I received the order confirmation as well as the shipping confirmation email on the same day: December 11th. I was also provided with a tracking number~ I received the package on December 23rd; only 12 days later, less than two weeks! Pretty impressive huh? Well I found it really fast considering I live in New Zealand and the bows are shipping from the States.

From left to right:

AfloatPastel x PinkJosephineRubyStella and Etty (SOLD OUT).

The bows were wrapped inside a thin piece of adorable glittery paper. However, the outer packaging (the pink plastic) was ripped when I received this from the mail man ; n ; I was a little worried because I was scared that the bows might have  been damaged. But thank god they weren't, phew~

The bows were actually out of shape when they arrived ; n ; I think it might have been because the package was squashed on the way to New Zealand~ I used a garment steamer to fix the shape of the bows before taking the photos below! Oh, all my bows have an alligator clip hot glued on.

Before we start, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ohmybows for sponsoring me these lovely hand made bows!


 Afloat - $3.25
Approximently 4 inches wide.

This bow reminds me of sailors u w u The material of this bow is really sturdy(?) This is one of the two bows that still looked like proper bows when the package arrived; where as the others were squashed and muntified. It also feels a bit like canvas but not as rough~

If you are wondering where this dress is from, it is from Yumart (discount code: daisy)

This navy striped bow actually gives off a really elegant and gentle vibe u w u which made me like it even more when I received it; I like it more than I thought I would hurhur. It also reminds me of those bows the school girls would wear in animes and korean dramas(?)

This photo is a little awkward but let's skip that awkwardness. 

The striped pattern of this bow matches one of the skirts I have~ And no, this is not planned.
I have a review for this outfit : here.

//the nae nae pose BHABAHA omg, every bow will end with this pose//


 Pastel x Pink - $3.25
Approximently 4 inches wide.

I actually didn't plan to choose a solid coloured bow ; n ; but I am really happy that I did! I am not disappointed with it at all other than it was a little out of shape when it arrived ~ The material of this bow is definitely a bit thinner than Afloat!

I had so many hair styles with this bow omg~ This colour matches any sort of girly hair style u w u I had a lot of fun playing around with my hair for this bow! Unlike Afloat, this bow gives off a more dainty and definitely a feminine vibe.

This bow matches one of the sweatshirts I recently got ; u ;
Pink sweatshirt + White Pleated Skirt (discount code: daisy)

I would definitely recommend getting this whole set because it is just too adorable together~ This sweatshirt is also super warm with a fuzzy fur lining within hoho.

//nae nae pose, I actually haven't listened to song before//


 Josephine - $3.25
Approximently 4 inches wide.
Part of  Blooming Oasis.

I love this floral pattern ; u ; I hardly say I love anything; other than food so believe me when I say I love this pattern. This bow is like a breathe of fresh air. The pastel greens, blues, pinks and yellows actually work well together. This bow reminds me of Hayao Mizayaki's animated films.

As much as I love this bow, it is actually really hard to pair this bow with my clothes BHABHAAHA; omg I didn't expect that. But I bet it looks really pretty with a white knitted sweater, which I was too lazy to wear hehe. 

I must've tilted the camera wrong, what is with this weird angle my body is doing - n - Josephine is the other bow that stayed like a bow during the shipping journey! It is also quite thick too~

//I can't get my iPhone to focus on the bow ; n ;//


 Ruby - $3.25
Approximently 4 inches wide.
Part of  Blooming Oasis.

I never would have thought that pink and gold would go together?? I've always felt like they clashed against each other somehow but I was wrong dun dun dun. The pastel pink of this bow makes the golden hearts pop~ I also like how this is a really subtle gold and not those glittery screaming golds.

Ruby has a medium thickness~ Not as thick as Afloat and Josephine, but definitely thicker Pastel x Pink! It somehow reminds me of Christmas? Probably because the pops of gold remind me of tinsels hahah ^ ^

Doesn't this skirt look familiar ; u ; 
Too bad it is summer and I can't really wear it out because it is to thick otl.

//nae nae nae no//


 Stella - $3.25
Approximently 4 inches wide.
Part of  Blooming Oasis

Stella also has a relatively thicker/sturdier material than the others~ The centre bit's bow is off the centre and this annoys me a lot BHABHAHA - n - I have OCD towards things that are almost perfect, but not quite.

I think out of the whole bow package, Ruby and this one are the two that reminded me of Christmas. This one reminds me of Christmas because the bows look like present bows hehe. The minty colour is also really pretty!

By now, you probably have noticed my love for pleated skirts hehe u w u
Anyway, Stella goes well with knits of this colour, probably because there are pops of golden bows on the bow haha~ There's a link hoho.

Apricot KnitWhite Pleated Skirt (discount code: daisy)

//maybe I should go listen to that nae nae song//


 Etty - similar : one two three
Approximently 4 inches wide.

Etty is actually a gift from Ohmybows ; u ; I actually wanted this bow but it was sold out during the Black Christmas sales. Fortunately, Ohmybows managed to make one for me hehe, The pattern of this bow are dainty little hearts omg.

I really like this bow because its warm colour reminds me of dolls and teddy bears~ Out of all the photos I took for this review, the ones for Etty turned out to be the prettiest ones; what a coincident! If I had to choose a favourite bow out of the six, it would definitely be this one! 

The photos turned out so to be so pretty omg I can't- just let me be vain for a sec-

Cardigan is from a store found in my local mall and I bought it like a year or two ago.
But the dress can be found here.

//this can also be a pokemon pose?! ETTY I CHOOSE YOU!//


 Shipping + packaging :    / 5 hearts

 Communication + customer service :      / 5 hearts

 Overall ratings :      / 5 hearts

Final family photo! I really like reviewing bows because they always look so lovely in photos. Of course, the designers and makers are also super talented for the bows to turn out like these. So once again, a huge thank you to Ohmybows!


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  1. I love the pastel colors ribbon! My fav is mint color *-*

